May 1997
by: raven shadowborne ©
Two free spirits..going thier ways
Meet and respond..each to the other.
Forming a bond..none can sunder..
his gentle breezes..warming her chills.
The wind has been captured..
Within the night
His gentle breezes..
Lifting her flight
Raising her higher
She meets his desires
Asking for nothing
He gets her all
These two souls
Once wandering alone
Seperate and yearning
For a place to call home.
The night reaches out..
Encompassing the wind
As slowly she draws him..
To settle within
The two soar together..
Each filling the other.
Thier souls completed
one to the other.
Thier yearning lifted
By love's sweet desire.
They turn to each other..
to fill the gaps..
left on thier souls..
By each of thier pasts..
Each one with mysteries
the other will share
Accepting thier differences..
yet meeting half way
Respecting thier limits
come what may
A journey is started
the ending unknown
As the wind takes the night..
On a higher flight.
page by ravenshad © 1998 all rights reserved
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