this one came to you today.
her heart to give to you.
You asked, of her,
what it means to be kajira.
this one thought her heart would
as she tried to put into words
what it meant to her.
kajira...a slave she thought
to be owned by a Master.
To be and to have nothing
but, that which the Master
wishes you to be or to have.
Then, this one gazed into your
eyes and what she saw there made her
realize that to be a kajira
is so much more.
to this one it means to give
into your care her heart,
her soul, her love...
Putting this ones complete
trust In you.
Knowing without a doubt,
you will always do what
you feel is best for her.
Helping her to grow and
Knowing you will always
be kind, gentle and fair.
Even when discipline is
this one wishes to serve you
with all her heart, mind and
to bring honor to you. to make
you proud to call this one,
mira kajira.
This one wishes to be