The sun is shining and the day promises to be bright and beautiful.
Open your heart and let a song enter.
For thoughts of you bring visions of secret valleys and hidden
Thoughts of dragons and unicorns,
Pegasus's and ponds of sparkling naughty water.
Flowers that speak to me.
Hideaways in tops of trees and Dungeons of unspeakable and Mysterious
Wanna come exploring with me?
We will dance to music played on harp and flute by Fairies bright and
Merry little tunes that make the air around us dance in time with us.
Our dancing will make the world around us disappear.
We will live in a new dimension a time when only our love exists.
A time when we can be together with no interruption from the world
of the mundane.
Wanna come dance with me?
Tis a place our love can grow and be expressed with out thought of
who might be watching.
For our love will grow to new and yet unexplored heights.
Our love is sweet and wonderful.
Full of promises yet unmade.
A love no one can explain.
Tis a love granted us that none other can fathom.
A love which has no bounds.
A love that will takes us to far away places to run and play.
To explore and make our own in a way that only we can.
Wanna come love with me?