The wind..such a force
Breezy or galing
Still or churning
never the same..
Engulfing everything it touches..
Capable of bending anything to it's will
Able to freeze with a cold arctic chill
Able to melt with a searing touch
able to soothe with a delicate breath
Legend has it..those of the wind
Are creatures of fancy..lost to thier whims
Cannot be captured..they fly away..
No depth or perception..
No strength or control..
Lost to the fates
thier souls stone cold
Till one such soul..broke the mold
Disproving those legends of old
This soul
Filled with cannot see
Burns with desires..deep roiling fires
Wisdoms of ages..taking them higher..
Each one he touches..thier souls are lifted
Hardy yet swaying..with the judgements of fate..
Steadfast and true..standing his ground..
Honest and caring..of those in his rule
This one has shown to one and all
that no encompassing cold..dwells in his soul