July 1991
by: raven shadowborne ©
Living with fear
Crippling one's mind
Can't move forward
Can't see behind
A creature of darkness
Which is never kind
A beast
One that is starving
Devouring all in it's path
Leaving coldness behind in it's tracks
Living with fear
Drowning emotions
Leaving my heart cold and empy
Yet aching with need
Fear of the past repeating
Fear of the living
Fear of one's self
Living with fear
Leaves me alone
Left in the darkness
Afraid of the light
Living with fear
Eventually will kill you
Shriveling your soul
Starving your heart
So nothing will grow..
Living with fear
Endless and hungry
Warping one's senses
Warping one's views
Nothing is small, meaningless or free
Everything judged, weighed and reflected
Such an existence is empy and bleak