September 1997
by: raven shadowborne ©
Old things familiar and worn
lay strewn about the floor
broken and torn
like the strings in my heart
that you tore asunder
by your words and your deeds
driven by your greed
your lust for more than was your right
cost others to pay
you wreaked havoc
on those who called you friend
you lied and you cheated
you stole and decieved
yet you spoke pretty words
to cover those deeds
when caught you continued to spill faithless words
which fell on deaf ears
you vowed revenge
acts of destruction
Some you completed some remain to be seen
I sit and I wonder
what drives your soul
what lives within you that makes you so cold
how could you damage the ones you once called family
does love and kindness really mean nothing to you
are you really that shallow through and through
I sit and I look
at the changes you wrought
the hearts you stepped on
slowly I stand
and take my place
you have not won what you wanted
but I hope your scars run deep
I hope tears burning hot haunt your sleep
As I work to heal the damage you wrought