May 1997
by: raven shadowborne ©
Looking in the mirror
What do I see?
Who is this woman, staring back at me?
The features, the same as always.
The eyes, windows to her soul.
They tell a tale
A tale of life; lessons learned
Each one left its mark for good or for bad
She thought she was strong, could handle it all
She learned that was wrong
Looking into the mirror deep into her eyes
This woman she sees
Her soul never died as much as she hoped it would
Still it lives
She realized her wrong
She swallowed her pride
To him she went confessing her crime
Hoping for forgiveness another chance
Cursing the pride, that would not let her ask
The love the two share broke through the haze
Bathing her soul with it's warming rays
She learned she is human, not perfect
but she has honor
and now
a purpose