by: `Smoke ©
October 1997
Born from within
In its own time it comes
Building and Growing, fed by things we have seen and done!
Not a gift or a present for which we yearn ,
not something given , But something we earn!
Strife and Turmoil , and to often Pain,
failure and Heartache are all part of the game!
To be strong we must face many difficult truths,
about ourselves - those we Love - decisions we made in our youth!
When we learn whats inside,and accept what we Find
Then ours fears and our weakness can be left behind
So look to yourself and not others I say!
Move bravely ahend into each new hopefull day!
Draw on the Power inside of us all
Push through the Darkness, be not afraid to stumble or Fall!
For growing deep in your Soul,, Is the strength to stand Tall