alexanderstitch.jpg (18 kb) This is a birth announcement I did for a friend when she had her son.
carouselhorse.jpg (34kb) This is a carousel horse that I did for my daughter and it won second place in a competition in Arizona.
hbird4.jpg (22kb) hbird3.jpg (25 kb) a little clearer This is a rose wreath with a humming bird in the middle that I made for a person I really cared about who loves both roses and humming birds.
mizustitchlarge.jpg (37kb) mizustitchsmall.jpg (213 kb) These are wedding announcements that ayli and I made for freinds of ours who got married. The top one is mine, the bottom one is ayli's. The top one is a wall quilt and the bottom one is inserted in a jewelry box. Both have glass seed beads in them.
peekabobib.jpg (43kb)
puppybib.jpg (44kb) These are bibs I made for another friend who had a little girl. The pcis don't show great detail but these were colorful bibs.
towel.jpg (68kb) This is a finger tip towel which I cross stitched cats and a fishbowl on. I made two of them and gave them to sabryna, a friend of mine.
wizardxstitch.jpg (55kb) This is a wizard that I stitched for my husband Ron.
It uses mettalic threads and cording. It is shown here not completely
finished as I am in the process of turning it into a wall quilt to hang
on the living room wall. Cats.jpg (48 kb) This one I did for a friend of mine as a reminder that she can be who
she wants to be. It was meant as a pick her up type of thing to let her
know that she is in charge of her life and that I will always be there
for her. This was the first of 2 that I did for her. Hopefully I can get
the picture of the dragon scanned in to put up here soon.
aurie-stitch.jpg (46 kb) This one I did for my birth mother. It is buried with her. She loved
teddy bears and she chose the design. This was my first ever counted cross
bookmark.jpg (63 kb) This is a laminated bookmark that I did for my friend talia.The design
is 3 pink and red roses on a vine. It was to remind her that people care
about her and since she reads so much, she would see it often.
dragon.bmp (546 kb) This one I did for a friend of mine who's online nick is Little^Dragon. It took me almost 6 months to complete. But it is my favorite peice so far!
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