April 2, 1997
by: raven shadowborne ©
This need burning deep
the need to write
to speak
to be heard
though no one is near
no one to listen
no one to care
but still I yearn
to release my thoughts
my feelings
my fears
Just spill it all out
easing my soul
the release so desperately sought
My thoughts so confused yet not
So clear so dear
the feelings, oh! what are these?
How do I handle this need
A need for a man
so strong and true
A need for a lover to take control
A need to be lost yet safe and whole
A need to be cuddled yet not coddled
So complicated the mind of a woman
one thought leads to another
they do not gel
they don't go together
they make little sense
Except to the one who speaks them
the one who feels them
the one who thinks them
to her they are precious and dear
to her they make sense
to her they are a gift for her to share
Do not mock them
do not belittle them
For if you do you will lose